
Inverse Kinematics

To add inverse kinematics to an animation graph, follow these steps:

  1. Open your animation graph by double-clicking on the .act file in the Asset browser.
  2. Add a vector 3 input named ik_target.
  3. Add a number input named ik_alpha.


  1. Create an Inverse Kinematics node (right-click on the canvas and type “inverse kinematics”).
  2. Connect ik_target to the Effector position input pin of the IK node.
  3. Connect ik_alpha to the Alpha input pin of the IK node.
  4. Unlink any connection to the output node of the graph and link it to the Input pin of the IK node.
  5. Connect the output pin of the IK node to the output of the animation graph.


  1. Select the IK node and define your IK chain in the top left corner of the animation editor.


  1. Save the animation graph.
  2. You can now control the IK using the ik_target and ik_alpha inputs. ik_target specifies the position of the target in object space, while ik_alpha ranges from 0 to 1 and determines the influence of the IK (0 = no effect, 1 = full override of the animation).