Template trick in a property grid

Yet again I am rewriting the property grid. I want it to have very fluent API. I mean something like this:

auto object = model->object("Material", material);
		.property("Alpha cutout", &Material::isAlphaCutout, &Material::enableAlphaCutout)
		.property("Alpha to coverage", &Material::isAlphaToCoverage, &Material::enableAlphaToCoverage)
		.property("Backface culling", &Material::isBackfaceCulling, &Material::enableBackfaceCulling)
		.property("Shadow receiver", &Material::isShadowReceiver, &Material::enableShadowReceiving)
		.property("Z test", &Material::isZTest, &Material::enableZTest)
		.property("Shader", [](Material* material) -> const char* { return material->getShader()->getPath().c_str(); });
	object.array("Textures", material->getTextureCount(), &Material::getTexture, [](Lumix::Texture* texture) -> const char* { return texture->getPath().c_str(); })
		.property("Width", &Lumix::Texture::getWidth)
		.property("Height", &Lumix::Texture::getHeight)
		.property("Bytes per pixel", &Lumix::Texture::getBytesPerPixel);

As you can see, a property must have a getter and it can have a setter. Most of time they are just pointers to member functions. However sometimes I want to use simple functions or lambdas. These two options differ in signature:

template <typename T>
class Object
	template <typename R>
	Object<T>& property(const char* name, R (T::*getter)());
	template <typename R>
	Object<T>& property(const char* name, R (*getter)(T*));

This seems to be pretty straightforward, however it does not work with lambdas passed directly:

object.property("Shader", [](Material* material) -> const char* { return material->getShader()->getPath().c_str(); });
// could not deduce template argument for 'R (__cdecl *)(T *)'

A possible solution would be:

template <typename T>
class Object
	template <typename Getter>
	Object<T>& propertyFunction(const char* name, Getter getter);
	template <typename Getter>
	Object<T>& propertyMethod(const char* name, Getter getter);

	.propertyMethod("Z test", &Material::isZTest, &Material::enableZTest)
	.propertyFunction("Shader", [](Material* material) -> const char* { return material->getShader()->getPath().c_str(); });

As you can see this is not as fluent as I want it to be. This is where a ugly template trick come in. The only way I found out how to make it better is based on the fact that the function has one argument while the method has none.

template <typename T>
	struct FunctionTraits : public FunctionTraits<decltype(&T::operator())>

	template <typename ClassType, typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
	struct FunctionTraits<ReturnType(ClassType::*)(Args...) const>
		enum { arity = sizeof...(Args) };

	template<typename Functor, size_t NArgs, typename Ret>
	struct CountArg : std::enable_if<FunctionTraits<Functor>::arity == NArgs, Ret>

	template <typename Getter>
	typename CountArg<Getter, 1, Object>::type property(QString name, Getter getter) { ... }
	template <typename Getter>
	typename CountArg<Getter, 0, Object>::type property(QString name, Getter getter) { ... }